AYMROO have been endorsed by a large number of water supply authorities that have been impressed by our work. For all your needs in reflux valves, PVC fittings, step irons, DWV fittings, and stormwater fittings, please contact us.

Quality Assurance
Aymroo produces quality moulded and fabricated DWV and Stormwater fittings for plumbers, their merchants and the councils of Australia to the AS/NZS1260 and AS/NZS1254 standards under the control of ISO9001 Quality Management System. (Certificate AMI-QM78017)
Our Drain, Waste and Vent (DWV) fittings are manufactured to AS/NZS1260 and Watermark Certified (Certificates AMI WM 74924 and AMI 74924). DWV Fabricated fittings are triple-welded for strength, fibreglass-reinforced for durability and gel coated for a smooth finish and safer handling.
Aymroo produces quality moulded and fabricated DWV and Stormwater fittings for plumbers, their merchants and the councils of Australia to the AS/NZS1260 and AS/NZS1254 standards under the control of ISO9001 Quality Management System. (Certificate AMI-QM78017)
Our Drain, Waste and Vent (DWV) fittings are manufactured to AS/NZS1260 and Watermark Certified (Certificates AMI WM 74924 and AMI 74924). DWV Fabricated fittings are triple-welded for strength, fibreglass-reinforced for durability and gel coated for a smooth finish and safer handling.
Aymroo moulded fittings are manufactured in best environmental practice BEP-uPVC resins (Certificate BEP-AMI 78017). DWV moulded fittings are made to class SN6, in the colour Cloud Grey, with tapered sockets. Stormwater moulded fittings are moulded in Storm White with tapered sockets. Reflux Valves are manufactured to the requirements of ATS5200.006. (Certificate AMI WM74828)
The Maintenance Shaft Systems are manufactured to the Industry Standard requirements of WSA-137 (Certificate SMK40084) and AS/NZS4999 (AMI Certificate WM74935) for Maintenance Shafts and Maintenance Chambers for Sewerage, and appraised by the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA Product Appraisal Report 1608). Aymroo Maintenance Shaft Systems can be supplied with Sealed Access Covers in Class B and Class D AS3996 load ratings (Certificate AMI 74980) for surface component completion of an installation. Aymroo Maintenance Shafts are recommended as an alternative to manholes by WSAA members and associates for installations across Australia with all major water boards approving the system.
Complying with the Green Building Council of Australia’s, Green Star Best Practice Guidelines for PVC in the Built Environment, RELN Group, uses Best Environmental Practice PVC resin and accepts Aymroo fittings, free of pipe, any contaminants and any soiling, for end of life recycling.